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What a dog eats - Dog food
The Pretty Pets 10 January 2021
If you've ever had a dog as a pet, we're sure you know what its basic needs are. In order to grow well and have a healthy metabolism...
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What is the best dog food?
The Pretty Pets 10 January 2021
It's not easy to determine exactly what is the best dog food. However, as this is one of the issues that most concerns guardians, it is ...
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My dog drinks a lot - Causes and solutions
The Pretty Pets 10 January 2021
 Dogs can drink a lot of water for a variety of reasons. For example, if the dog is dehydrated or exposed to excessive heat, he may feel an ...
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How to tame a shy cat?
The Pretty Pets 10 January 2021
 As in humans, cats can show signs of fear for a variety of reasons. This emotion is an important ally in their survival. It allows them to ...
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why My dog refuse to go outside  ?
The Pretty Pets 10 January 2021
 Sometimes, while walking the dog, it may stop and no longer want to walk. In other cases, the dog may even refuse to leave the house. Don...
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Leaving your cat alone - How long and how to keep it occupied ?
The Pretty Pets 10 January 2021
  Often, the accelerated pace of our daily lives does not allow us to devote all the time we would like to our cats. As a result, most domes...
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Why does my dog lick me?
The Pretty Pets 10 January 2021
There is no doubt that when a dog licks you, it is because he feels a great affection for you. Knowing that dogs lick to prove their love, t...
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